Wednesday 7 August 2013

Wednesday: Alice, Why Can't I Draw You?

I'll tell you why I can't draw Alice… it's because she's a human being. I was able to draw three of the seven dwarfs and the evil queen (when she turns into an old hag). I think this was because they weren't so much carbon copies of a human, but more like caricatures. Alice is the first really human Disney character I've drawn, she looks quite good for my first go at a 'proper human'. Apart from a few issues with her face, arms and hands, I'm quite proud of it!

And here to prove my point is the white rabbit. As you can see its not perfect but you can clearly see who it is meant to be. Most of my Disney sketches have been quite good, so I'm glad that Alice and the white rabbit haven't come out so well, they remind me that I have a long way to go!

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