Tuesday 30 April 2013

Would You Trust Clara?

On Saturday we confirmed that the mystery of Clara Oswald will at last be solved in the series finale, The Name of the Doctor. "All I can say," Jenna-Louise Coleman told us, "is that Clara hasn't just met the Doctor three times before…"

But for now, the questions remain. How can Clara have died twice and yet still be alive and apparently unaware of her own impossibility and why has the TARDIS been so wary of her? Even the Doctor has admitted to his new companion, "I look at you every single day and I don't understand a thing about you…"

The Time Lord seems to have accepted she's not, in his own words, a trick or a trap, beaming with relief as he exclaimed during Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, "You're just Clara!"

But if you were in the Doctor's boots would you be quite so sure about 'the impossible girl'? With all the mystery surrounding her… If you were the Doctor, would you trust Clara?

Taken from the official website.

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