Thursday 25 April 2013

Brace Yourselves!

Hey everyone, sorry but I'm going to be bombarding you with posts about my work until Monday. The reason for this is that I need to hand in my sketchbook work through blogger. Sorry I didn't post all of this before, I got distracted by news of Doctor Who, Marvel, Once Upon a Time etc…

Exaggerating and Creating Characters

I really enjoyed this lesson. We didn't have a model so we had to pose for each other, I think this was great because we got to know each other more. I think the best bit was that we could create any character we wanted.

It was during this lesson that Franki suggested that I start using a different colour (blue) to draw with. By doing this I could, at a later date, work over my original sketch in a darker colour (purple).

Once we had our model back, we continued to create characters. We decided she was a doctor with some sort of secret…

Up to this point I had quite literally used random shapes to exaggerate our model's body. Thankfully my lecturer told me to notice the position she was in, take my time and not be too extreme in my exaggeration. I'm glad to say I got the hang of it.

For homework we had to choose our favourite sketch and colour it in using Photoshop. I chose the last sketch I had done in the lesson because it was Tim Burton inspired.

Once I had coloured it in Photoshop, I then stuck it on a suitable background.

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