Friday 26 April 2013

It's So Emotional...

Next up was emotions and once again we didn't have a model. So we took turns as a class to pose for each other. We had to portray an emotion, whilst the rest of us tried to convey that in our sketches. To be honest by the look of these sketches you would assume that most of my classmates are really depressed, but my favourite is my lecturer's WTF pose.

I can see now in my sketches that I still wasn't allowing my pencil to flow freely across the page, but the biggest thing is that I can tell that I have improved a lot since starting uni again way back in September last year!

I'm sorry about this last sketch. You can't really see it because in the next lesson I decided to use a black pastel, but because I'm such a tit I forgot to bring some hairspray. Oh well…

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