Monday 29 April 2013

All Together...

I'm going to show you all the drawings from the next two lessons, because these were the two that I didn't have my regular lecturer. Some of these sketches do look dirty, thats because for one of these lessons I decided to use a black pastel. I tried my best not to get an imprint of what I had just drawn onto the next page, but due to my stupidity I'd forgotten to bring some hairspray. I put some on as soon as I got home but unfortunately the damage had already been done!

 The next set of sketches were all done in the same lesson but feel a bit random, mainly because we didn't really stick to drawing one thing. But I am proud of two of these following sketches, the first one of Lucia mainly because it actually looks like her but also because I love drawing women with curves. The other is the sketch of my hand, although it's not 100% perfect, it shows that I've been practising.

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