Thursday 7 March 2013

Franki's 2 Week Challenge: March Day 3

Its day 3 and I think I'm getting worse…

I'm really enjoying this challenge more than I thought I would, I look forward to the next day when I have another opportunity to draw Ariel again. But I must be over thinking it, I keep thinking it has to be perfect.

I just need to clear my thoughts before I start to sketch!

Please remember to follow, comment and let me know where I'm going right or wrong, or any hints and tips you may have. There will be another update tomorrow as usual.


  1. This is defiantly working for you sugar! The mouth is a massive improvement and the eyes are looking better. You need to be more free style with the hair, let it flow. I will explain tomorrow what I mean.

  2. Thanks for the tips at uni today, they really helped as you will see in my next post! xx
