Sunday 17 March 2013

Franki's 2 Week Challenge: March Day 10, 11, 12 and 13

Hi sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I've been working on my other challenge. But I'll tell you more about it next week… Now back to Ariel.

Day 10

This is the one I am most proud of, I mean after I finished the sketch I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't believe I had drawn it. It is definitely the best attempt so far! From the neck up it's perfect, but from the neck down it's just all wrong. I extended the arms too much just because I wanted to get to the end of the page. I really can't draw boobs and those shoulders…

Day 11

With the confidence I had gotten with day 10's sketch I was excited about day 11's attempt. I decided to use the same graphite pencil I had drawn Ariel with for the shading, the chinagraph ones I've used every day I thought were hiding her features. Also I finally started to draw her boobs right.

Day 12

It's getting better! Ariel's shoulders, facial features, boobs and shading are all getting really good. The thing I need work on is her hair, just her fringe. It's really annoying that I can never get it right, it's always too big!

Day 13

Today's sketch is really disappointing. For a start Ariel looks like she's got a really bad hangover and a massive slug on her head. But on the plus side her shoulders are improving and her boobs are getting better by the day. I think for my final sketch tomorrow I will use felt tip pens as I did on day 10 as they gave me the best results.

Please don't forget to follow, comment and let me know where I've gone right or wrong, or any hints and tips you may have. Tomorrow's sketch will be my final update.

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