Monday 18 March 2013

Franki's 2 Week Challenge: March Day 14

So its the final day of my challenge and I've really enjoyed it. At first I didn't think I was going to enjoy this as much as I have, but at times it became quite addictive!

Today's sketch isn't the best, but it also isn't the worst one I've done. I like her face even though she looks a bit haggard. The shoulders have never been perfect, although they're not too bad today. Overall it's a great sketch, the only thing that I think lets it down a bit is Ariel's fringe. I just wish it didn't look so slug-like.

My Progression

Here is Glenn Keane's original and all of my sketches from over the past two weeks so you can see how much I've improved.

Now I won't be blogging for a couple of days because I'll be going to Paris tomorrow. But when I get I will tell you all about my sketchbook challenge. I will also be starting another 2 week challenge in Aprill, so if you have any suggestions about what character I should sketch next please comment and let me know.

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