Saturday 30 March 2013

David Tennant is back!

The BBC have now confirmed that the Tenth Doctor David Tennant will star in the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who.

The news leaked earlier today thanks to a mistake in the distribution of Doctor Who Magazine, which saw subscribers receive their issues 5 days early, forcing the BBC to issue a hurried press release. Tennant will join current stars Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman in the special episode.

Also joining the cast will be the Ninth and Tenth Doctor's companion Billie Piper.

Tennant played The Doctor from 2005-2010, appearing in 47 episodes of the series, while Billie Piper played Rose Tyler for the 2005 and 2006 series, along with cameos in later episodes.

DWM also reports that international film star John Hurt will join the cast for the special episode, which begins filming next week.

John Hurt is one of the UK's most respected actors appearing in films such as The Elephant Man, where he played John Merrick, Nineteen Eighty-Four where he played Winston Smith and Scandal where he played Stephen Ward. On Television he is best known for playing Caligula in the renowned I, Claudius and Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil Servent. His distinctive voice has been used in many productions such as Watership Down and the animated Lord of the Rings.

He has received two Academy Award nominations, a Golden Globe Award and four BAFTA Awards.

It is expected that the special episode will be transmitted on Saturday 23rd November, 50 years to the day since the launch of Doctor Who.

Taken from:

Doctor Who: The Bells of Saint John

The Doctor's search for Clara Oswald brings him to modern day London, where Wi-Fi is everywhere. Humanity lives in a Wi-Fi soup. But something dangerous is lurking in the signals, picking off minds and imprisoning them. As Clara becomes the target of this insidious menace, the Doctor races to save her and the world from an ancient enemy.

Doctor who, tonight at 6:15pm on BBC1

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Third Doctor

As part of his sentence from the Time Lords, the Doctor was forced to begin his exile on earth with a new face. The Third Doctor was confident, bold and brash, but with a soft paternal side, reserved for those he cared about. While exiled he became allied to the extraterrestrial task force UNIT and helped them combat living plastic Autons, Sea Devils and polluted giant green maggots, as well as fellow renegade Time Lord, The Master. Eventually he was allowed to travel again, and on one such trip he received a fatal dose of radiation, prompting him to regenerate…

Taken from:

I'm back!

Yes, after Paris and trying to recover from flu I'm back!

Paris was great and even though I only spent one proper day there, I had the best time ever!

I'd like to thank Franki, Naomi, Jack, John, Paul and Dan for such an awesome time!