Wednesday 24 July 2013

Tuesday: Failing to be Top Dog

So its day two and it's my first proper go at animals. I decided to start with dogs, because they are one of the more simple animals to draw. Sadly I don't have any pets so I based these sketches on images from books and the internet. I don't think I've done too bad for my first go. I mean I've messed up certain bit of each sketch (don't even mention the poodle!) like paws and giving one dog too much junk in it's trunk! They aren't too disastrous, so I am pleased.

 That's my first stab at animals done for this week, I'll be moving onto cats next week. And I cant wait for tomorrow because it's Disney day!

Please don't forget to follow, comment and let me know where I'm going right or wrong, or any hints and tips you may have.

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