Monday 11 November 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Ninth Doctor

The Ninth Doctor was the ninth incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Coping with the nightmarish events of the Last Great Time War, he tended to brood and act crossly to those who rubbed him the wrong way. Despite this, he remained jovial and quite friendly towards anyone he took a liking to. Rose Tyler was his most constant companion, although he did share several adventures with Captain Jack Harkness too. Absolutely definitive statements about the origins of the Ninth Doctor were complicated, however, by a lack of knowledge about his precise contributions in the Time War and the circumstances in which he regenerated from his predecessor.

During the Slitheen's attempt to destroy the Earth for profit, he gained temporary allies in Rose's mother Jackie, Rose's ex-boyfriend Mickey and Harriet Jones. He also had a single adventure with Adam Mitchell, an employee of Henry Van Statten, at Rose's request.

He regenerated after he directly absorbed time vortex energy that had converted Rose briefly into the Bad Wolf entity. Although this saved her, it caused massive damage to the Ninth Doctor's body at a cellular level.

Taken from the TARDIS Datacore.

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