Monday 11 November 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Tenth Doctor

Unlike his immediate predecessor, who was plagued by melancholy due to his actions during the Last Great Time War, this incarnation was outgoing, lively and genial, a demeanour that hid the "survivor's guilt" that had plagued him since the war. Late in his life, however, the weight became much more pronounced. If prodded too much, he would erupt in an almost righteous sense of fury.

He was haunted by companions lost, enemies believed long-dead and events that threatened to destroy time itself. He met his end after he absorbed a huge quantity of nuclear radiation, whilst saving the life of his friend and former companion Donna Noble's grandfather, Wilfred Mott, leading to his regeneration into his next incarnation.

Taken from the TARDIS Datacore.

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Ninth Doctor

The Ninth Doctor was the ninth incarnation of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Coping with the nightmarish events of the Last Great Time War, he tended to brood and act crossly to those who rubbed him the wrong way. Despite this, he remained jovial and quite friendly towards anyone he took a liking to. Rose Tyler was his most constant companion, although he did share several adventures with Captain Jack Harkness too. Absolutely definitive statements about the origins of the Ninth Doctor were complicated, however, by a lack of knowledge about his precise contributions in the Time War and the circumstances in which he regenerated from his predecessor.

During the Slitheen's attempt to destroy the Earth for profit, he gained temporary allies in Rose's mother Jackie, Rose's ex-boyfriend Mickey and Harriet Jones. He also had a single adventure with Adam Mitchell, an employee of Henry Van Statten, at Rose's request.

He regenerated after he directly absorbed time vortex energy that had converted Rose briefly into the Bad Wolf entity. Although this saved her, it caused massive damage to the Ninth Doctor's body at a cellular level.

Taken from the TARDIS Datacore.

Its Been a While...

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted anything since September! I did plan to keep posting once I started uni again, but obviously that didn't happen. I didn't anticipate quite how much work I would have in the second year of my animation degree. So, what does this mean for my blog?

Well, I am going to post as much as I can, when I can. This year I have new lessons like character development, innovative animation and creative compositing. I'm really enjoying my new lessons, even though it's a lot more work. For example innovative animation is the most time consuming, but I don't care because I get to explore a different animator's work each week! Creative compositing is great, I get to work with green screen for the first time and try my hand at stop motion again. But, I have to say my favourite lesson for this semester is character development. I finally get to flesh out one of my many characters that have been walking round my head for the past few years, but more on them later…

I'll be telling you more about what I've been up to, but first let me introduce you to Doctors 9 and 10.