Tuesday 17 September 2013

You Can Tell...

That I haven't drawn anything for three weeks!

Whilst I was at uni sorting out my life, I did manage to show my lecturer all of my sketches since July. She told me she could tell that I had improved since finishing my first year. But I should focus more on the human body and face, she particularly liked my sketches of Buffy and Willow. So from now on every day I will be drawing a character from one of my favourite TV shows or movies. And I will be starting with Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

This is Xander Harris, a member of the famous scoobies. Sorry my sketch doesn't really look much like him, there are two reasons for this. Firstly I can't draw men. I love to draw women because they have curves, but when it comes to men it seems like they're full of straight lines (if you know what I mean). Secondly, I haven't drawn anything for three weeks, so I've only got myself to blame! I'm not going to moan about everything I don't like about my sketch, but there is one thing that really bugs me. The shadow on his neck, it looks like a shitty beard. Oh well, onto the next one.

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