Tuesday 17 September 2013

You Can Tell...

That I haven't drawn anything for three weeks!

Whilst I was at uni sorting out my life, I did manage to show my lecturer all of my sketches since July. She told me she could tell that I had improved since finishing my first year. But I should focus more on the human body and face, she particularly liked my sketches of Buffy and Willow. So from now on every day I will be drawing a character from one of my favourite TV shows or movies. And I will be starting with Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

This is Xander Harris, a member of the famous scoobies. Sorry my sketch doesn't really look much like him, there are two reasons for this. Firstly I can't draw men. I love to draw women because they have curves, but when it comes to men it seems like they're full of straight lines (if you know what I mean). Secondly, I haven't drawn anything for three weeks, so I've only got myself to blame! I'm not going to moan about everything I don't like about my sketch, but there is one thing that really bugs me. The shadow on his neck, it looks like a shitty beard. Oh well, onto the next one.

Monday 16 September 2013

Back For Good! (I Mean It This Time)

Wow, can't believe I haven't posted anything in three weeks! But I do have a good reason, I've been sorting out my uni life. I wasn't sure if I would be able to continue on my animation course, but I'm glad to say everything is now sorted and I will be back at uni next week!

As this is my first post in three weeks, I wanted to talk about a certain show that will be celebrating it's 50th Anniversary later this year. That show (if you haven't guessed) is of course Doctor Who.

Firstly details were released about what will be happening across the BBC to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary:


'The Day of the Doctor' - the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who. Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Louise Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, this special will be feature length - a whole 75 minutes of adventure on 23rd November.


In a special one-off programme, Professor Brian Cox will try to answer the classic questions raised by the Doctor - can you really travel in time? Does extra-terrestrial life exist in our galaxy? And how do you build something as fantastical as the TARDIS?
The Culture Show will present 'Me, You and Doctor Who' with lifelong fan Matthew Sweet exploring the cultural artefacts of modern Britain.
BBC Two will then wrap up its coverage with the previously announced 'An Adventure in Space and Time' written by Mark Gatiss. 

 BBC Three

'Doctor Who: Monsters and Villains Weekend' will countdown to the top Doctor Who monster as voted for by you.
'Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide' will introduce those less familiar to the show to a wealth of archive material and act as a guide to all things Who.
We also have one further exciting commission to be announced later this year which will see the celebrations finish with a bang.

BBC Four

Audiences will be introduced to the First Doctor, William Hartnell, with a special re-run of the first ever story, which marked the start of 50 years of history. The four episodes are being shown in a restored format, not previously broadcast in the UK.
There will also be programmes across CBBC including two live Blue Peter specials.

BBC Radio 1

A documentary will look at 'Time Lord Rock (TROCK)' as a genre of music inspired by the Doctor and his journeys through space and time.

BBC Radio 2

'Who is the Doctor' will look at the lasting appeal of Doctor Who and ask how much of its continued success can be attributed to its basic formula.
In 'The Blagger's Guide to Doctor Who', David Quantick will give the iconic Doctor the Blagger's treatment. He'll be finding out the answers to questions such as why do Americans think Tom Baker is still the Doctor? How many Doctors have there really been? And were the Daleks really named after an encyclopaedia?
Finally, Graham Norton will be broadcasting his weekly Radio 2 show live (Saturday 23rd November, 10am) from the Doctor Who Celebration in London.

Now seeing the way the BBC are going to be celebrating Doctor Who's 50th, it makes me wish November would hurry up and get here! But I am slightly disappointed at the length of the anniversary episode, I mean I think it should be at least 90 minutes.

Next came a rather epic looking poster for 'The Day of the Doctor':

I love this poster so much. It is the first in (hopefully) a number of posters for the special, but as ever I do have a slight problem with it. Bad Wolf. Why is it back, I thought that whole storyline was done? I hope it doesn't play a major part in the anniversary story, because to me it would feel like a celebration of 8 years rather than 50.

I think I'll finish with a theory I heard on Facebook. The theory is that the 50th Anniversary story is actually a three parter. This is based on the title of the latest episodes: 'Name of the Doctor' and 'Day of the Doctor'. They both end with 'of the Doctor', so a lot of people think the Christmas episode title will be '___ of the Doctor'. If this happens it would be a very clever move by the mighty Moff (Steven Moffat)!

Even though it doesn't sound like it, I am looking forward to Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary and I hope you are too!