Friday 17 May 2013

Ending on a High Note

So that's it… my first year of uni is almost officially over! Technically the teaching and lessons are done, but I just have one animation that I'm still working on.

Our last lesson as a class was on Wednesday and we had to show a showreel of the work we had completed this semester for animation essentials. Here's my showreel…

I was really shocked by the class's reaction. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it, they wanted me to replay it over and over again! Even my lecturer said she could tell that I had improved this semester. I think I need to believe in myself more, because I know I've improved on my drawing skills and I'm kind of ok with timing (others would differ). So when I go back in September I'm gonna try and be more confident in what I do.

I didn't have such a brilliant start at uni the first time round, so I'm glad I got the chance to start again. I've made some fantastic and hopefully lifelong friends this year, I've enjoyed uni life and sometimes even the work. Its gonna be weird not seeing everyone for a while, but nice not having work to stress over!

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