Thursday 23 May 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Fifth Doctor

The Fifth Doctor was the Time Lord's most youthful incarnation up to that point in his life. As the Tenth Doctor commented when meeting him in the TARDIS, "Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when you're young. And then I was you. And it was all dashing about and playing cricket and my voice going all squeaky when I shouted…"
But there was more to this Doctor than youthful impetuosity…

This was a Doctor who wore his hearts on his sleeve, unafraid to display his every emotion. Absolute delight as he played cricket in the 1920s or complete despair after failing to prevent a bloodbath between humans and Silurians. He initially came across as a young, vibrant adventurer, haring into risky escapades without pausing for breath. He once asked "Why do I always let my curiosity get the better of me?" but he wasn't about to give up his knack of sniffing out trouble and tearing off towards it.

The Fifth Doctor's openness went hand-in-hand with a sense of vulnerability. Whereas the Fourth Doctor had bid farewell to companions with little more than a throw-away "cheerio", for example, the Fifth Doctor admitted he was depressed when Tegan opted to remain on Earth. "We were together a long time," he reflected mournfully. He was even choked when a Terileptil blasted his sonic screwdriver! "I feel as though you've just killed an old friend," he remarked, his voice heavy with emotion as he looked down on his frazzled sonic.

But there were flashes of his old arrogance. When it came to being crack shot he claimed, "I never miss!" and even the Cybermen spotted this quality. When one of his old foes wanted to know which of several figures was the Doctor, the Cyber Leader replied, "The tall one with fair hair. Even under the threat of death he has the arrogance of a Time Lord."

The death of his companion, Adric, had a huge impact on the Doctor and when Tegan left him he
conceded, "It seems I must mend my ways." Perhaps the loss of these two friends caused him to harden. By the time he met Perpugilliam Brown (Peri for short), his final companion, his initial naivety was starting to fade. He was snappier with Peri and had become decidedly less diplomatic. He'd once been keen not to antagonise potential enemies but no longer bothered. When questioned by the odious Trau Morgus about his agenda he snapped, "I'm not acting for anyone. I was just passing through. I happened to get mixed up in this pathetic little local war!"

But he remained a hero to the end and when Peri fell victim to Spectrox Toxaemia, he managed to obtain a small amount of the antidote - but not enough to save them both. With only enough for one person, he sacrificed himself by ensuring his companion drank the life-saving fluid. Time was up for this youthful, breezy Doctor and realising this, he prepared himself for what was to come. "Is this death?" he murmured, before a dramatic regeneration and the explosive Sixth Doctor burst into being!

Taken from the BBC.

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Fourth Doctor

Sorry I didn't introduce you to the Fourth Doctor last month, I completely forgot with the stress of uni. But today you're getting a double dose of Doctors...

The Fourth Doctor has been characterised as a clownish adventurer, eager to dish out jokes and jelly
babies. It's a notion that neglects so much of this fascinating incarnation - this Doctor's remote, alien nature, his apparent coldness and the fact that his tomfoolery often served to wrong foot his enemies…

The Fourth Doctor once told Sarah Jane Smith, "I'm not a human being. I walk in eternity," and his alien nature sometimes made him appear distant and unknowable.

He could take in tragedy without skipping a beat and deliver devastating information as though commenting on the weather. When a well-meaning botanist unwittingly aided an extra-terrestial menace, he was horrified when the Doctor nonchalantly noted, "What you have done could result in the total destruction of all life on this planet…"

And when his long-time companion, Leela, announced she had to part company with him, he barely registered a scrap of emotion - even when she said she would miss him, he simply smiled and hurried into the TARDIS. He only replied when the doors of his ship were closed, "I'll miss you too…" His farewell to Sarah was another hurried, almost brusque affair and when Harry Sullivan called time on his travels in the TARDIS he didn't make the least effort to dissuade him!

But there was another side to this bohemian Doctor's personality. A beaming playfulness. "What's the point of being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes?" he asked, not too long after his regeneration - a typical riposte to anyone who tried to curtail his exuberance. He would swagger into any situation with an almost palpable confidence, a whirling Dervish of a man when others were still but a quiet, calculating figure when those around him were flapping. Trapped on a dangerous island besieged by an alien treat, a puzzled human asked, "Are you in charge here?" and his response was a cheerful, "No, but I'm full of ideas!"

And that was the Fourth Doctor. Always full of ideas and surprises. Forever striding into the next dangerous situation. This zest for life and adventures made him an engaging character. He enjoyed Paris, playing chess and eating jelly babies. He seemed to relish meeting new people - especially eccentrics - and it was absolutely fitting that he once exclaimed, "I love a knees up!"

He regenerated after sacrificing himself to save the universe from the Master. In his final moments he lay peacefully on the planet he had saved so often, content to move on. "It's the end," he informed his anxious companions, "but the moment has been prepared for…"

The Fifth Doctor was about to make his debut!

Taken fromthe BBC.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Everybody Loves Catherine!

The BBC has announced that Donna Noble actress Catherine Tate will be starring in the remake of American sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond.

Tate will appear alongside comedian Lee Mack (Not Going Out) in the UK version of this comedy.

Usually,it's the US that remakes British TV shows (The Office, Coupling, Sherlock, Being Human, Life on Mars, Fawlty Towers, Shameless etc.) but this time, the BBC has taken the baton from the other side of the world. And to be fair to the US, many of their remakes are exceptionally good in their own right. The Office just finished a hilarious nine year run and for the last two seasons starred Catherine Tate.

The British remake of Everybody Loves Raymond will be called The Smiths and will be set in Cheshire, following a successful sportswriter who lives across the street from his overbearing parents and older brother. Tate especially should help to draw in overseas viewers recognising her from Doctor Who as well as The Office and several big movies too.

The pilot will be filmed on 28th May 2013 in front of a live audience; the scheduled transmission date, if successful, is yet to be announced.

Taken from Kasterborous.

Monday 20 May 2013

Joss Whedon Talks Avengers 2 Additions

Just last month, Joss Whedon was teasing the addition of a brother-sister partnership to his super-team lineup for The Avengers 2, with tongues immediately set wagging among the online community.

The names on everybody's lips were those of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, with Whedon now confirming that the duo have made their way into his embryonic script.

"You know, they had a rough beginning," says Whedon of the double act, blessed with super-speed and the ability to perform chaos magic respectively.

"They're interesting to me because they sort of represent the part of the world that wouldn't necessarily agree with The Avengers. So they're not there to make things easier. I'm not putting any characters in the movie that will make things easier."

How about Iron Man then? With Robert Downey Jr. still weighing up a new contract, can we definitely expect to see Tony Stark involved in a sequel (potential Iron Man 3 spoilers ahead)?

"He blew up his remote suits (in Iron Man 3), but I don't think anybody thinks he doesn't have on any more," says Whedon. "The question is, if The Avengers are called, does he show up? And the answer is, 'YES!'"

The Avengers 2 will open in the UK on 1st May 2015.

Taken from Total Film.

The Name of the Doctor: Past References

Did you spot all the past Doctor references in The Name of the Doctor?

The Aztecs

The First Doctor clips were a mix of archive footage from The Aztecs and new footage.

The Five Doctors

The Second and third Doctor clips were originally from The Five Doctors.

The Invasion of Time

The Fourth Doctor clip was from The Invasion of Time.

Arc of Infinity and Dragonfire

The Fifth Doctor clip was from The Arc of Infinity, the Sixth Doctor clip was new footage and the Seventh Doctor clip was from Dragonfire.

The Name of the Doctor

The Eighth Doctor appeared briefly just before the Second Doctor clip (blink and you'll miss it!). The Tenth Doctor also appeared briefly.

From left to right: The First Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Fourth Doctor and the Mystery Doctor.

Taken from The Doctor Who Site.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Doctor Who: A New Series and More

We're delighted to confirm a new series of Doctor Who has been commissioned and the show's lead writer and executive producer, Steven Moffat, Has revealed he's already plotting a brand new run of adventures for the Doctor.

But way before that hits our screens we have a huge amount to look forward to. Your calendars should already have a big red circle around 23rd November because that's when the TARDIS returns in the frankly Earth-shattering adventure that celebrates half a century of Doctor Who. This 3D special stars Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman with David Tennant and John Hurt, seen briefly at the end of The Name of the Doctor. Billie Piper returns alongside Jemma Redgrave, Joanna Page… and the Zygons!

Later this year the BBC also premieres An Adventure in Space and Time, the brilliant drama written by Mark Gatiss that looks at the genesis of Doctor Who. So we're in for a memorable insight into the show's origins.

And given that this year's Christmas Special will be rounding off such a spectacular year we're sure it will kick off the Doctor's next half century in style! But that's not all. Big plans are being put in place that will well and truly celebrate the Doctor's half-centenary. Make sure you check back for some exciting announcements!

Taken from the official website.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Steven Moffat thanks the fans

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has thanked the programme's fans for keeping the secrets of the series finale.

Following the early release of the US Blu-ray disks containing the series climax, the BBC asked recipients to keep the secrets of the show until after the broadcast of the episode earlier this evening, promising a special video clip would be released as a reward.

Moffat told The Guardian:
Well, that was all a bit Keystone Cops, wasn't it? Our biggest surprise, our most secret episode, a revelation about the Doctor changes everything...
… and we'd have gotten away with it too, if we hadn't accidentally sent Blu-ray copies of Name Of The Doctor to 210 Doctor Who fans in America. Security-wise, that's not GOOD, is it? I mean, it's not top-notch; it's hard to defend as professional-level, hard-line secrecy.
My favourite fact is that they're Blu-rays. Listen, we do don't just leak any old rubbish, we leak in high-def - 1080p or nothing, that's us. Every last pixel in beautifully rendered detail. It's like getting caught extra naked.
But, here's the thing. Never mind us blundering fools, check out the fans. Two hundred and ten of them, with the top-secret episode within their grasp - and because we asked nicely, they didn't breathe a word. Not one. Even Doctor Who websites have been closing their comment sections, just incase anyone blurts. I'm gobsmacked. I'm impressed. Actually, I'm humbled. And we are all very grateful.
Now you might be thinking, what does all this matter? It's a plot development in the mad old fantasy world of Doctor Who, why is that important? Well, of course, it's not important, and in the scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. Just as it doesn't matter when you're telling a joke, and some idiot shouts out the punchline before you finish. It's bad manners.
Well, no bad manners here! Two hundred and ten Doctor Who fans kept the secret, and many, many more fans helped. I wish I could send you all flowers, but I don't know where you live (and, given our record, you really shouldn't be sharing private information with us). So instead, there is a little video treat.
Ten plus 11 gives you...

Taken from Doctor Who News.

Merida Redesign Was One-Time Deal Says Disney

Trying to put the Merida redesign fiasco behind them, Disney told that the redesign of the Brave heroine was only a one-time effort to commemorate her coronation as a Princess. The studio also noted that the design was never posted on the company's official websites.
"The artwork used on Merida's official social media sites has always been the imagery from the movie - there have been no changes," Disney said in a statement to "We routinely use different art styles with our characters and this rendition of Merida in her party dress was a special one-time effort to commemorate her coronation. Merida exemplifies what it means to be a Disney Princess through being brave, passionate and confident and she remains the same strong and determined Merida from the movie whose inner qualities have inspired mums and daughters around the world."
The new slimmer, glamorous look for the character was revealed last weekend at Disney World as the company officially added Merida as the eleventh official Princess in the company's line. The new design, which featured the heroine in a glitzy gown, sans her trademark bow and arrow was criticised on social media and a petition was started by Carolyn Danckaert, co-founder of the website A Mighty Girl. The petition and letter were addressed to Disney chairman Robert Iger and generated over 210, 000 signatures.

The film's original Oscar-winning writer and director Brenda Chapman also criticised Disney publicly for this marketing misstep.
"They've gone through the whole Disney Princess line and I think they're just doing standard procedure which in this case is was I think a bad choice because Merida is not standard procedure," Chapman explained on CNN. "She's not one of the regular Princesses and - and she was created to be not one of those Princesses."
You can read more about Chapman's response to the redesign here.

Taken from Animation Magazine.

Friday 17 May 2013

Doctor Who: The Name of The Doctor

Clara is summoned to an impossible conference call, alerting her that the deadly Whisper Men are closing in on Vastra, Jenny and Strx. Someone is kidnapping the Doctor's friends, leading him towards the one place in all of time and space that he should never go. It's a deadly trap that threatens to unravel his past, present and future…

Doctor Who, tonight at 7:00pm on BBC One

Ending on a High Note

So that's it… my first year of uni is almost officially over! Technically the teaching and lessons are done, but I just have one animation that I'm still working on.

Our last lesson as a class was on Wednesday and we had to show a showreel of the work we had completed this semester for animation essentials. Here's my showreel…

I was really shocked by the class's reaction. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it, they wanted me to replay it over and over again! Even my lecturer said she could tell that I had improved this semester. I think I need to believe in myself more, because I know I've improved on my drawing skills and I'm kind of ok with timing (others would differ). So when I go back in September I'm gonna try and be more confident in what I do.

I didn't have such a brilliant start at uni the first time round, so I'm glad I got the chance to start again. I've made some fantastic and hopefully lifelong friends this year, I've enjoyed uni life and sometimes even the work. Its gonna be weird not seeing everyone for a while, but nice not having work to stress over!

Monday 13 May 2013

Fans Asked Not To Spoil Series Finale

Some fans in America have been enjoying the Doctor Who series finale early due to a mistake in the American distribution of the Series 7 Blu-rays and DVDs.

The Name of the Doctor, which concludes the current series of the show, is due for transmission this Saturday in the UK, North America and Australia. The episode is included in the Series Seven - Part Two Blu-ray, which was due to be released on 28th May.

However a distribution error has meant some copies of the discs have already been sent out in North America giving some fans a sneak preview of the final episode.

Doctor Who's brand manager, Edward Russell, has appealed to fans who have seen the episode to keep the show's secrets until it is broadcast at the weekend. On twitter he said:
Production error in the US means DW bluray shipped early. Let's hope no one spoils it for those who want to enjoy it together on Saturday. This is like a Doctor Who version of the Dunkirk spirit! I know some folk want to boast, but it's so much better if we all watch together.
The BBC have now also added on Twitter: "Steven Moffat has promised if fans help keep the finale's secrets, we'll release a special video featuring Matt and David right after the ep!". This was also detailed via their Facebook page:
We understand that a small number of US fans have received in error their DVD edition of Series 7 Part 2 early. We respectfully ask those fans not to divulge information or post content publicly so that fellow fans who have yet to see the episodes do not have their viewing pleasure ruined.
If everyone keeps the secrets safe until next Saturday we will release a special new clip featuring material of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor!

Taken from Doctor Who News.

Saturday 11 May 2013

Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver

Hedgewick's World of Wonders was once the greatest theme park in the galaxy, but it's now the dilapidated home to a shabby showman, a chess-playing dwarf and a dysfunctional army platoon. When the Doctor, Clara, Artie and Angie arrive, the last thing they expect is the re-emergence of on e of the Doctor's oldest foes. The Cybermen are back!

Doctor Who, tonight at 7:00pm on BBC One.

Friday 10 May 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Tribute at BAFTA TV Awards

It has been announced that Doctor Who will receive a special tribute at Sunday's BAFTA Television Awards.

Full details:

BBC's Doctor Who will be celebrated a Sunday's Arqiva British Academy Television Awards, in recognition of the programme's 50th anniversary this year.
A special celebratory video montage featuring the show's long history will be included as part of the ceremony, and Jenna-Louise Coleman - the Doctor's companion - will present one of the night's awards.
Two Daleks will also be seen patrolling the BAFTA red carpet, among the illustrious guests arriving for the ceremony hosted by Graham Norton.
Amanda Berry OBE, Chief Executive of BAFTA, said: "There are only a handful of programmes that have the quality and longevity of Doctor Who and the ability to put the nation on their sofas - or indeed behind them - year after year. BAFTA raises a toast to Doctor Who on its 50th birthday this year."
Steven Moffat, Doctor Who's Lead Writer and Executive Producer, said: "This is a massive and exciting year for Doctor Who, so I'm thrilled that BAFTA are including a special tribute to the show. So thrilled, in fact, we're sending the Doctor's best friend, Jenna-Louise Coleman, to present an award. We're also sending the Doctor's worst enemy, the Daleks, to exterminate lots of innocent people. Sorry, it's just what they do. Let us know if it's a Health and Safety issue."

The Arqiva British Academy Television Awards will be hosted by Graham Norton at the Royal Festival Hall, London and broadcast on BBC One, 8pm on Sunday 12th May.

Taken from Doctor Who TV.

Monday 6 May 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Filming: And That's A Wrap

Filming on Doctor Who's historic 50th anniversary special has wrapped.

Producer Marcus Wilson wrote on Twitter earlier: "Thank you to an amazing dedicated & talented cast and crew. That's a wrap on the anniversary - it will be special!"

Filming began on 2nd April 2013, a longer shoot than usual, suggesting the episode is lengthier than previous reports claimed.

Now the wait to see the end result in November continues…

Taken from Doctor Who TV.

Doctor's Name NOT Revealed in Series 7 Finale?

According to a rumour in the Daily Star, fans will not actually learn the Doctor's name in the series 7 finale. His "greatest secret" will be something else.

They state:
Rumour has it that although characters in the show will discover the secret, viewers will be kept in the dark as the name won't actually be broadcast or shown when it airs on Saturday, May 18.
A source said: "We may have to wait another 50 years to find out. Steven Moffat is a big tease."
But a "show spokeswoman" supposedly said: "We learn The Doctor's greatest secret but it will be a surprise whether we learn his real name."

Taken from Doctor Who TV.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror

There's something very odd about Mrs Gillyflower's Sweetville mill, with its perfectly clean streets and beautiful people. There's something even stranger about the bodies washing up in the river, all bright red and waxy. When the Doctor and Clara go missing, it's up to Vastra, Jenny and Strax to rescue them before they too fall victim to the Crimson Horror!

Doctor Who, tonight at 6:30pm on BBC1

Friday 3 May 2013

The Name of the Doctor "Prequel" is Coming

A Series 7 "prequel" for The Name of the Doctor is coming on Saturday 11th May.

The Radio Times confirms the 3-minute special is entitled,"He Said, She Said," and the synopsis:

Shot in a dreamlike style and set in a dusty old museum, He Said, She Said will see the Doctor and companion Clara talking directly to camera as they reflect on how little they really know about one another.

It will be available via the BBC's Red Button service (and no doubt online) following the penultimate episode, Nightmare in Silver at 7:40pm

Taken from Doctor Who TV.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

DWM Confirm No Classic Doctors in 50th

According to Doctor Who Magazine, David Tennant will be the only returning Doctor. The new issue (#460) confirms that no other classic Doctors will be back.

The magazine states: "Although David Tennant has returned to his role of the Tenth Doctor, the other old Doctors will not be taking part."

They confirm earlier reports that Christopher Eccleston was initially approached to reprise his role, but was unable to do so.

Citing an earlier quote from Steven Moffat: "It is important you don't turn it into a fanfest. We can't make this all about looking backwards. It's actually got to be the start of a new story."

They also report that filming on the 50th is nearing completion, with production on 2013 Christmas Special "and possibly further episodes" starting after Matt Smith works on the film How to Catch a Monster.

Taken from Doctor WhoTV.

I'm really disappointed by this, I was hoping that all of the surviving Doctors would be part of this anniversary special. I don't know why Steven Moffat is moaning about making it a fanfest, I mean isn't that the point? It's the 50th for goodness sake, I can understand him saying that about the normal episodes, its always good to attract new and casual viewers. Why not just this once say to hell with casual viewers, lets celebrate the past 50 years properly and bring back the classic Doctors!