Wednesday 27 February 2013

Once Upon a Time Spinoff

ABC is considering a spinoff show from Once Upon a Time.

The potential series would focus on the character of the Mad Hatter, according to Deadline.

The network had originally hoped to have Sebastian Stan reprise his Once role as the Hatter, but the Captain America: The First Avenger star was reportedly unable to commit to a full series.

A new lead actor is now apparently being sought for the in-development spinoff, which is under consideration for a 13-episode pick-up.

Once Upon a Time airs on Sundays at 8/7c on ABC and will return to Channel 5 in the UK later this year.

NBC is also developing a new pilot based on the Alice in Wonderland stories - Wonderland is being pitched as a sequel to Lewis Carroll's original 1865 novel.

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Force of Line

Now I had been taught how to use the force of line at Stourbridge College, but not properly because most of the teachers there didn't really care as long as they got paid. It wasn't until I started uni again last year that I began to understand how to use it. As you can (hopefully) see the force of line is starting to help me with the different body positions. I was also starting to notice body shapes that would improve in the coming weeks…

Tuesday 26 February 2013

A Multilingual Doctor

BBC Worldwide have released a demonstration of how Doctor Who is broadcast in other languages from around the world as part of the promotion of the show at this year's BBC Worldwide Showcase, currently taking place in Liverpool.

The video shows a clip from The Wedding of River Song in English, Brazilian Portuguese, French and Italian.

Also, episodes of the will be available to watch in the Middle East via Al Jazeera's JCC channel and in Poland, South Africa, Burma and Indonesia via BBC Entertainment.

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Saturday 23 February 2013

Doctor Wh0 50th Anniversary Countdown: The Second Doctor

The First Doctor may have had hearts of gold but he often came across as a stubborn and stern old man. The Second Doctor could not have been further from this picture… Overly playful and eccentric he sometimes appeared to be as likeable but hapless buffoon. And yet his enemies often found out to their cost that this foolish facade concealed the keen mind of a genius!

The First Doctor once described him as 'a clown' and it's easy to see why. He wore clothes that were too large and like the Eleventh Doctor, showed a penchant for striking and at times comic headwear. Had River Song known the Second Doctor, a stovepipe, a Balmoral bonnet and a tricom would have been just three of the hats she'd have doubtless snatched from his head, hurled into the air and blasted to smithereens.

But his strange apparel and occasional bumbling disguised an unstoppable force powered by a knowledge of evil and a desire to defeat it. "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things… Things which act against everything we believe in," he once opined, adding, "They must be fought!" He was happy to take a rebel's view of what might be perceived as the correct way of doing things, once commenting, for example, that, "Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority." But when the occasion demanded it, the Second Doctor took swift and calculated action and it's not without reason that he modestly told a Martian, "I'm a genius…"

The Second Doctor continued to roam the universe, encountering ore monsters than ever before. He fought the Cybermen on at least four occasions, the Daleks twice and in this incarnation he first crossed swords with the Macra and the chilling Ice Warriors. He was pitted against the evil and powerful Ramon Salamander - a mad tyrant who was his exact double, not to mention mad Time Lords and even the Sontarans!

But there were allies, too. Whilst fighting robots in the London Underground he met Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart for the first time and shortly after, the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce was formed. The Second Doctor was the first to collaborate with the organisation - UNIT for short - when they teamed up to defeat an invasion of Earth launched by the Cybermen.

Eventually the Doctor was forced to contact his own people for help and we at last discovered he was a renegade Time Lord who had transgressed the laws of his society by stealing a TARDIS and interfering in the affairs of other worlds. As a punishment -  but also to assist  humanity - he was sentenced to exile on earth and it was decreed that as part of his punishment he must regenerate. His then companions, Jamie and Zoe, were taken from his side and had most of their memories of him wiped away. As the Time Lord's sentence was about to be passed the Second Doctor remained defiant to the end, shouting loud and indignant complaints… But it was too late. A colourful new era was about to begin…

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To celebrate the 50th Anniversary, every month I'll be introducing you to a different Doctor

Also you can click here to find out about the First Doctor!

Friday 22 February 2013

The Original Console Room Returns

The more we dee of Mark Gatiss' An Adventure in Space and Time the more exiting it gets. Now we've got some great new set pics of the cast in the TARDIS.

The latest ones feature the Hartnell TARDIS console room recreated in all its glory. We also get to see David Bradley in the First Doctor costume from the original pilot (albeit at a distance).

Also featured in costume are Jamie Glover as William Russell (Ian), Jemma Powell as Jaqueline Hill (Barbara) and Claudia Grant as Carole Ann Ford (Susan).

In addition, Nick Briggs has now been confirmed to be voicing the Daleks. He also recorded a cameo as Peter Hawkins, the original voice of the Daleks.

He said on Twitter: "Just did my Peter Hawkins cameo today," he tweeted. "Beyond exciting…"

He later added: "Well, you can never tell what will make the edit… But I had a costume and a wig and everything!"

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Wednesday 20 February 2013


These sketches below are the results of my attempt at observing people in the street. The first one I did at uni with friends not too long after I first started, as you can probably see I didn't spend much time on it. I was too busy chatting but I also got distracted by food (which isn't hard to do). The second one I did quite recently. I spent a little more time on, but I kinda chickened out on doing more because I was getting way too many weird looks. If you compare the two you can see that I have improved slightly, but I really need to work on my head shapes!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Young and Old Professor X Side-By-Side...

Bryan Singer has tweeted the first behind-the-scenes picture from X-Men: Days of Future Past.

And while we knew Patrick Stewart was returning, this Professor X picture-related picture has us pretty excited about the time-travelling possibilities.

Singer's tweet ("Hello old friends #XMen #DaysofFuturePast") shows the young and old Professor X's wheelchairs side-by-side, teasing the inevitable cross-generational meet-up between James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart.

The story, which is widely renowned as one of the X-Men's greatest comic adventures, introduces the idea of a bleak, dystopian future for Marvel's mutants, in which mutants are hunted to death or incarceration by giant mutant-killing robots known as Sentinels.

As if the franchise's individual casts weren't impressive enough, Days of Future Past is set to star Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Michael Fassbender, Anna Paquin, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Ellen Page and Shawn Ashmore, alongside McAvoy and Stewart.

We can't wait.

And neither can I!

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Monday 18 February 2013

An Adventure and Space and Time: Latest Casting News

The Radio Times have revealed that Reece Shearsmith is to play the actor Patrick Troughton in the 50th Anniversary drama An Adventure in Space and Time. Shearsmith - one of the collaborators behind The League of Gentlemen - is a good friend of writer and executive producer Mark Gatiss, who told Patrick Mulkern at the BFI screening of Troughton adventure The Tomb of the Cybermen:

"I first asked Reece about 12 years ago when I started thinking about the project. We were in the midst of League of Gentlemen and I just remember thinking, if anyone plays Patrick Troughton, it should be Reece. Like the second Doctor, he's small, saturnine and a comic genius. The complete package. He thought it was a fantastic idea and I've kind of nurtured it all this time."

The actor told his Twitter followers this morning: "Very happy to confirm I am the 2nd Doctor. Very excited to be part of it."

Other cast members confirmed by the article include Jeff Rawle (previously Plantagenet in Frontios and Mr Harding in Mona Lisa's Revenge) playing associate producer and director Mervyn Pinfield, Andrew Woodall as producer and director Rex Tucker, and Gatiss' partner Ian Hallard as origional Dalek director Richard Martin.

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Sunday 17 February 2013

Big Finish: The Light at the End Trailer

Big Finish have released a teaser trailer for The Light at the End, the 50th Anniversary story featuring the first eight Doctors and their companions.

A synopsis for The Light at the End has also been released:

November 23rd 1963 proves to be a significant day in the lives of all eight Doctors…

It's the day that Bob Dovie's life is ripped apart…

It's also a day that sets in motion a catastrophic chain of events which forces the first eight incarnations of the Doctor to fight for their very existence. As a mysterious, insidious chaos unfolds within the TARDIS, the barriers of time break apart…

From suburban England through war-torn alien landscapes and into a deadly, artificial dimension, all these Doctors and their companions must struggle against the power of an unfathomable, alien technology.

From the very beginning, it is clear that the Master is somehow involved. By the end, for the Doctors, there may only be darkness.

The Light at the End can be pre-ordered now as a Limited Collectors Edition set and as a Standard Edition set from

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Friday 15 February 2013

Chasing Squirrels and The End of Uni

Next we were going to the park to draw some animals, but sadly I was ill so I couldn't go. In 2011 I started my first year of uni, but after mere weeks of being there I became seriously ill. I was able to come in for the odd lesson but eventually it became harder and harder to be at uni. I talked to my lecturers and we came to the decision that I should drop out of uni. But don't worry, through the last months of 2011 and most of 2012 I got better and I'm glad to say I was well enough to return to uni. I started in September last year and I'm loving it!

Here are the sketches I made back in 2011 when I visited the park with uni before I became ill…

Also here are the remaining sketches I did before finally leaving uni…

An Adventure in Space and Time: First Official Image!

The Radio Times has revealed the first official set pic from Mark Gatiss' 50th Anniversary docudrama, An Adventure in Space and Time.

It's our first decent quality look at David Bradley as William Hartnell and Lesley Manville as Hartnell's wife, Heather. Though we'll have to wait to see Bradley in the First Doctor costume.

The drama also stars Jessica Raine as producer Verity Lambert, Brian Cox as Sydney Newman and Sacha Dhawan as Waris Hussein.

Recently announced casting included Claudia Grant as Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Jamie Glover as William Russell (Ian), Jemma Powell as Jacqueline Hill (Barbara) and Sarah Winter as Delia Derbyshire. William Russell himself will cameo as a character called Harry.

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Wednesday 13 February 2013

Time For Some Weight and Gesture

Stacy our model was back and because she is a dancer, she was perfect for the weight and gesture poses! We tried many different techniques like drawing with the side of your pencil, 10 second sketches and drawing Stacy without looking at your page. This is why some of my sketches have several heads!

This is the last one of stacy, the rest are from when I went to The Black Country Living Museum, its a great place to visit and theres loads of stuff you can do!